Thank You Bloggers!

Sep 21

That there is my bad ass handwritten computer graphic skills. Yep... aren't you glad I'm not a professional hand writer or computer graphic -"ist"?

This is my big thank you to my fellow bloggers out there. I adore you. I love learning from you, being inspired by you, laughing with you, being entertained by you, sharing in your trials, and in general experiencing a bit of what it is like to be you.

Many thanks!!

Oh.. bead soup post is directly below this one :) .... Rock on!


Shuku said...

Thank you for allowing us to be inspired by you and to share your creative journey, Shay! I'm knee-deep wading through RL right now, but I have your clasps - ran out of butane, of all things, and need some more! Got a few lovely things planned for you too!

Shay Stone said...

Hey Shuku!
No rush whatsoever!! Hugs to ya.

Mary said...

That's a happy post and it spread happy rays my way:)) Hugs!!!

Shay Stone said...

Yay.. happy rays to Mary!! (and lots of hugs)

Deborah Younglao, Silk Painter said...

And thank YOU for sharing you creativity with us! This internet thingy is truly a miracle.

Shay Stone said...

Hey Deborah! Yes it is a miracle - a blessing and a curse I think :)

Suzanne said...

A nice post, thanks.

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Inspired by Iza Malczyk's tutorials

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Simply put, I'm a wire and gem jewelry freak! I like to string, twist, weave, wrap, form, and decorate with gems, wire and other earthy beauties. If you want to know more please click on the "About" tab at the top of the page. To contact me, check my blogger profile (click below) ... Thanks!
I Took The Handmade Pledge!