New Etsy Listings

Jul 25

I thought I'd share some photos of pieces I've been listing on Etsy over the past days. They are mostly in the Goddess Series and the Winged Ones. It's strange to be listing pieces that I created quite awhile ago, but that's what happens to me sometimes -- I create something then it sits in a basket until I get to photographing and listing it. I tend to call myself lazy, but in reality it is more of a depression thing that stops me. I sure do love these times when it's not holding me back.

The piece above is called "Desert Dreamer" and boy did I have fun making her. I enjoy making everything I do or I wouldn't be doing it, but something about these eclectic Goddess pieces that have lots of goodies and energy are sometimes especially fun. They put me in a more energetic almost frenetic energy space -- very "in the zone". I feel like I'm dancing through the studio and spinning around trying to find what calls to the piece and wants to join the goddess. How much fun is that?!

Here's some of the yummy stuff in Desert Dreams:
Green Kyanite
Rutilated Quartz
Peruvian Opal
"Fire Agate" (carnelian I think)

Whew! It excites me just listing them all :)

This piece is called "Star Seeker":

She's got lots of neat things as well. I particularly like the solar quartz that looks like an eye right in the center of the hammered sterling silver teardrop. She's also got a hand carved bone goddess, kunzite, quartz, Karen Hill Tribe fine silver drops and leaf, repurposed white coral, Australian opals, lots of sterling silver, and a neat double sided operculum shell, which once was the door to a creature's shell (well 2 doors seeing as how it's a double sided piece). Pretty neat eh?

And here is Dream Walker and her collection of stones:

Lets see... she has:
A red coral Goddess and stunning faceted apatite and turquoise, amethyst, more coral, some Karen Hill Tribe fine silver drops and leaf, a piece of genuine sea foam green sea glass from England, and lots of sterling silver. Yummmmm.

Previously on my blog I showed some of the Winged Ones that I had made. Here's a recap of them minus 1 that has yet to be listed.

The last piece that I'll share for now was made using ancient glass from the Roman Empire. It's said to be about 1000-2000 years old, which I think is pretty wild. This glass is most often seen with iridescent coloring that happens in the oxidizing process over the centuries. For this piece I chose 3 rounds of glass that were pure in their blue green color and one that is a paler green with some whitish formations on it. I can't help but wonder what purpose these pieces once served and who they belonged to. The glass discs have been paired with Australian opals, sterling silver and some more Karen Hill Tribe silver drops.

I hope you all are enjoying yourselves, wherever you are out in this wide world of ours.

Things To Come

Jul 24

I thought I'd share a quick glimpse of jewelry pieces that I am in the process of listing on Etsy. Only a few are "new" pieces that I've finished over the last year while my hands have been bad. The others just haven't made it to the virtual world yet.

Okay... I know you can't really see a thing except my cute cat who is sleeping on top of the scanner where a kitty obviously belongs. The necklaces are hanging to the right. More photos to come :)

I Have Been Chosen .... (Scared Yet?)

Jul 19

So... this wonderful artist, Lorelei randomly selected me to participate in this pretty neat shadow box challenge. Here's her post so you can learn more about it: Lorelei's Shadow Box Challenge

Now, you may be surprised because I have been overwhelmingly absent over the last year due to problems with my wrists. F i n a l l y... they are coming around and creating is soon to happen! Why not start it off with something that makes me absolutely nervous and excited? Yep, that's what I've chosen to do in putting my name "in the hat" with Lorelei's challenge. I was one of 23 folks chosen to create something with these nifty enameled boxes made by C Koop Beads . On August 27th, there will be a big blog fest where we all show our creations. I have NO idea what I will make with the little beauty that I will soon receive, which makes it even more exciting - no?

You may not even know that I've had a growing interest in mixed media jewelry -- that I've been collecting old skeleton keys, numbered tags, silk and the like. Will I make something completely different and out of my range or will I primarily incorporate gems and wire (which is still out of my range when given a cute little enameled box to incorporate). I have no idea and while this may seem like a very small adventure to some, it's a bit of a leap for me. I have made virtually nothing in a Year - if you are a creator, you know how painful that is! My creative juices have been held down and put away and I can feel them roaring back to the surface. Yipeeeee!

I don't have any expectations about this challenge except to actually make something again, get over the fear of sharing it with a bunch of people, and have lots of fun.

So.. welcome back people :) I know I'm the one that's back, but it felt right to welcome you.

All-That-I-Am on Etsy:


Inspired by Iza Malczyk's tutorials

About me...

My photo
Simply put, I'm a wire and gem jewelry freak! I like to string, twist, weave, wrap, form, and decorate with gems, wire and other earthy beauties. If you want to know more please click on the "About" tab at the top of the page. To contact me, check my blogger profile (click below) ... Thanks!
I Took The Handmade Pledge!