Back To Ground

Jan 05

That's what I feel like lately -- this need to get back to ground, back to the beginning, back to earth. It's a raw emotion that I can't particularly describe other than by the above words. Creatively, it has been like a mantra in my head saying "Talisman... talisman... protection". That's what I've been needing to create for awhile.

When I began working with wire about 5 years ago, I used stripped copper electrical wire and crystals and stones. My pieces were rather large and chunky. Here are a few examples:

I still create on the larger side but I've tried to tone them down over the years. I also moved into tiny faceted gemstones and pretty much just sterling silver wire. I still love doing those pieces, but lately I felt I needed to get my hands back into my piles of rough stones and heavier gauge wire, so that's what I've been doing, and it's been great.

The first goddess piece I made, was created almost in a frenzy of energy. I walked into the studio and saw the amber hanging there and knew I had to grab that. Next I was just spinning around in the room grabbing anything that wanted to be a part of that piece -- bone goddess, rutilated quartz, obsidian needle, ruby, garnet, citrine, turquoise. Then I started wrapping it all up, without regard to doing a "neat" wrapping job. Quite the contrary, I want these pieces to be wild and unkempt (but obviously still with neat tucked wire ends so they don't poke!) That's how I feel when I'm making them, and all the while, I am thinking, "talisman, talisman, protection, goddess, powerful, shield", and such thoughts. I honestly don't even know what the various pieces of these necklaces represent in the metaphysical world. I may look it up, but I don't really need to because I know how they make me feel. Hopefully they will find a home with someone who feels their power.

I've made three in the last 3 days and for all I know I may not make more, but I'm pretty sure I will. You just never know about me! For now the shiny silver and faceted gemstones are sitting to the side as I am compelled to work with the Goddesses. I sure having fun with them!

All-That-I-Am on Etsy:


Inspired by Iza Malczyk's tutorials

About me...

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Simply put, I'm a wire and gem jewelry freak! I like to string, twist, weave, wrap, form, and decorate with gems, wire and other earthy beauties. If you want to know more please click on the "About" tab at the top of the page. To contact me, check my blogger profile (click below) ... Thanks!
I Took The Handmade Pledge!